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Our Services




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Soul Regression





Energetic Healing

Energetic healing is a very effective and safe way of releasing negative patterns or energy. We are exposed to negative energy in various ways such as during a traumatic experience,, or being around negative situations, people or places. This causes our energy flow to be interrupted, making us feel ‘stuck’ and prevents us from moving forward. Sometimes we can stay stuck in this low vibrational energy for a very long time, even lifetimes! Energetic healing connects to the core of the energy block, dissolving it and restoring the positive flow of energy. This brings our body, mind and soul back into alignment, allowing us to feel empowered, renewed and better equipped to face and move through life's challenges.

Your session begins with a pre-talk where we discuss your current concerns and what the healing involves. During the healing you will be given any impressions or messages that come through.  These messages may be from your guides, a deceased loved one or any divine being supporting you druing the session and wishing to bring you guidance./information.  At the end of the session we discuss what came up for you and any other insights for you to take away.

Throughout the healing, a combination of techniques

are used depending on individual needs. This includes (but is not limited to);

  • Inner child healing

  • Soul fragment retrieval

  • Karma releasing

  • Past life healing

  • Entity removal

  • Cutting of energetic cords

  • Chakra balancing

  • Sound healing


Energetic healings are offered face to face and via distant healing.  Follow up sessions can be purchased individually, or you may choose a 3 session package at a discounted rate.  Please contact me for more details.

Energetic Healing
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Soul Regression Therapy

Soul Regression Therapy (SRT) consists of two separate sessions:

 Past Life Regression (PLR) 

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After Life Regression (ALR)

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Imagine travelling back in time to a previous life, and going directly to the core of a recurring pattern happening in your current life to heal it.  During a Soul Regression Therapy session, hypnosis is used to take you into a state of deep relaxation.  During this process you are still very aware of what is happening, but relaxed enough to be guided back safely to a past lifetime.  In this theta state you are able to access information stored deeply as cellular memory in your subconscious mind.  You are then able to see and safely experience the events of the past life that is linked to the recurring patterns in your current life. You will also experience the afterlife - the place where your soul returns to once it leaves it's physical body.  In this higher dimension your higher self will be able to gain deeper insight which will help clear patterns that may have been with you for many lifetimes.

Soul Regression Therapy is a powerful healing technique on many levels.  Going back to visit a past life or the after life can be both an exciting and rewarding experience.  You will not only benefit from going to the heart of a current issue, you will also find yourself making connections between events and people in that lifetime and your current life. Things that may never have made sense before will suddenly become clearer.  There may be some major 'Aha!' moments after you experience a Soul Regression Therapy session.

All sessions are face to face only.  These are recorded and a copy is sent to you after the session.

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Past Life Regression (PLR)

Past Life Regression (PLR):  As you are regressed back in time, we visit an early time in childhood, and a time before your birth.  We travel back to a past life that is connected to your current issue.  After gathering information from different scenes in that life, we journey to the last day of that lifetime.  This is experienced in a safe, detached way.  You are then guided up to the higher realms to discover the life lessons for that lifetime and how it relates to this current life.

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After Life Regression (ALR)

 This session can be experienced once you have attended a Past Life Regression session.  During an After Life Regression session, we journey back to briefly visit a past life including the last day of that lifetime.  Your soul or higher self is then met by a spiritual being (usually a deceased loved one or a spirit guide).  You might connect with many different higher beings or visit various places in these higher realms.  During this session you may want to have some pre-written questions you would like answered.  You will receive answers, gather information and gain a deeper understanding of your life's purpose. It is full of wonderful insights and is a beautiful experience.

Soul Regression Therapy
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Reiki Is a form of energy healing which has been around since ancient times, but was rediscovered by Mikao Usui in Japan in the late 1800’s.  The word reiki is made up of two words – ‘rei’ meaning ‘universal or higher power’, and ‘ki’ meaning ‘life force energy’.  By focusing this positive energy and using the laying on of hands, the body’s own healing processes are triggered. This enhances energy flow and brings the physical, emotional and mental bodies back into harmony.

The gentle yet powerful energy of Reiki strengthens the energy system and it’s health benefits are endless. Some of these include:

  • Reducing stress

  • Reducing depression and anxiety

  • Emotional clarity

  • Reducing pain

  • Rebalancing of body, mind and spirit

  • Boosting intuition and spiritual growth


Reiki healings are offered face to face. and via distant healing.  Follow up sessions can be purchased individually, or you may choose a 3 session package at a discounted rate.  Please contact me for more details.

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