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About Me

As an intuitive healer, I believe it's essential for us to take the journey inward and focus on becoming the highest version of our 'self' we can possibly be. By healing our inner world, we create a ripple effect on our outer world, on those around us and ultimately on our whole planet and beyond.  In doing so, we raise the energy to a higher vibration.  So if you thought you couldn't make a difference in the world, maybe it's time to connect with your own inner power and change those subconscious beliefs.


I began practising energy healing after being attuned to Reiki in 1997, following an extremely difficult period in my life.  After this I met a Spiritual Healer/Teacher who taught me many valuable healing techniques, one of which was psychic surgery.

A few years later, I attended an Energetic Healer's course at Uluru. This fueled my spiritual growth and transformed my life.  


Following this course, we travelled in a small group with our teachers to Peru on an incredible spiritual journey.  During this time, and for the weeks that followed on my own in South America, I received insights, synchronicities, found great inner strength and deeper spiritual growth.

My awareness of and interest in past lives, both personally and during healing sessions, led me to complete a course in Soul Regression Therapy.

Energy healing is my passion - without a doubt!  My soul's purpose is to provide a clear channel for Divine healing, and assisting others to tune in to their own healing power.  My wish is that after a session each person is left feeling lighter, peaceful and with absolute certainty that something has shifted within them in a very positive way.  


Love, light & big hugs,


I acknowledge and have deep gratitude for every teacher (whether mentioned here or not), who has guided or is still guiding me on my spiritual journey:


Energetic Healing

Soul Regression Therapy

Angel Intuitive

Reiki 1 & 2

Angel Energy



Additional Services

Automatic Writing   |   Ho'oponopono   |    Mediumship   |     Sound Healing

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